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Refereed Journal Articles and Invited Book Chapters (Selected)

Note. Due to copyright and licensing restrictions, free access to selected journals cannot given; however, if you like to read any of the following, please contact Dr Roberts and arrangements may be made (if possible) to have full copy of the article made available to you.


Gerbasi, K. C., Fein, E., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., & Roberts, S. E. (2017). Furries, therians and otherkin, oh my! What do all those words mean, anyway? In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 2: More essays on furries by furries (pp. 162-176). Lansing, MI: Thurston Howl Publications. [Part of edited book that won a 2017 Leo Award in Nonfiction category]

Gerbasi, K. C., Paolone, N., Higner, J., Scaletta, L. L., Bernstein, P. L., Conway, S., and Privitera, A. (2008). Furries from A to Z (Anthropomorphism to Zoomorphism). Society and Animals, 16, 197- 222.

Gerbasi, K. C., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., & Roberts, S. E. (2015). The origins of the international anthropomorphic research project. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us: Essays on furries by the most prominent members of the fandom (pp. 102-105). Nashville, TN: Thurston Howl Publications. 

Gerbasi, K. C., Roberts, S. E., Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., & McHugh, R. (2020). The lion, the wolf and the wardrobe fursuit: Do furries attending a furry convention have animal/fursona, furry, and convention themed dreams? In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 3: Essays by furries about furries (pp. 62-84). Thurston Howl Publications.

Kranjec, A., Lamanna, L., Guzman, E., Plante, C., Reysen, S., Gerbasi, K., Roberts, S., & Fein, E. (2019). Illusory body perception and experience in furries. In A. K. Goel, C. M. Seifert, & C. Freksa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 596-602). Montreal, QB: Cognitive Science Society.

Leshner, C., Reysen, S., Plante, C., Chadborn, D., Roberts S., & Gerbasi, K. (2018). “My groups is discriminated against but I’m not”: Denial of personal discrimination in furry, anime, and general interest fan groups. The Phoenix Papers. 4, 1, 130-142.

Leshner, C., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). Behind closed doors: Hentai fans’ perceived discrimination, ingroup identification, and attitudes toward subgroups in the anime fandom. The Phoenix Papers, 4(2), 104-118.

McHugh, R. M., Roberts, S. E., Gerbasi, K. C., & Reysen, S., Plante, C. N. (2020). Of gods and gorgons, demons and dogs: Anthropomorphism and zoomorphism through the ages. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 3: Essays by furries about furries (pp. 141-163). Thurston Howl Publications.

Mock, S. E., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2013). Deeper leisure involvement as a coping resource in a stigmatized leisure context. Leisure/Loisir37(2), 111-126. 

Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Chadborn, D., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). ‘Get out of my fandom newbie’: A cross-fandom study of elitism and gatekeeping in fans. Journal of Fandom Studies, 8(2), 123-146.

Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Groves, C. L., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. (2017). The fantasy engagement scale: A flexible measure of positive and negative fantasy engagement. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 39, 127-152. 

Plante, C., Reysen, S., Roberts, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2016). FurScience! A Summary of Five Years of Research from the International Anthropomorphic Research Project. FurScience. Waterloo, Ontario. Pp. 174.

Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). ‘Welcome to the jungle’: Content creators and fan entitlement in the furry fandom. Journal of Fandom Studies, 5, 63-80. 

Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. (2018). “Animals like us”: Identifying with nonhuman animals and support for nonhuman animal rights. Anthrozoös, 31, 165-177. 

Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). “A furry, a brony, and an anime fan walk into a bar”: A psychology-based interfandom comparison. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 3: Essays by furries about furries (pp. 105-121). Thurston Howl Publications.

Plante, C., Roberts, S., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2014). “One of Us”: Engagement with Fandoms and Global Citizenship Identification. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 3, 1, 49-64. 

Plante, C., Roberts, S., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2014). Interaction of socio-structural characteristics predicts identity concealment and self-esteem in stigmatized minority group members. Current Psychology, 33, 3-19. 

Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2015). “By the numbers”: Comparing furries and related fandoms. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us: Essays on furries by the most prominent members of the fandom (pp. 106-126). Nashville, TN: Thurston Howl Publications.

Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). Say it ain’t so: Addressing and dispelling misconceptions about furries. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 2: More essays on furries by furries (pp. 142-161). Lansing, MI: Thurston Howl Publications. [Part of edited book that won a 2017 Leo Award in Nonfiction category]

Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). “Here comes the drama llama”: Drama within the furry fandom. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 3: Essays by furries about furries (pp. 50-61). Thurston Howl Publications.

Plante, C., Roberts, S., Snider, J., Schroy, C., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2015). “More than skin-deep”: Biological essentialism in response to a distinctiveness threat in a stigmatized fan community. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54, 2, 359-370.  

Ray, A., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). Psychological needs predict fanship and fandom in anime fans. The Phoenix Papers, 3(1), 56-68.

Ray, A., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2018). “You had to be there”: Convention attendance and well-being in anime fans. The Phoenix Papers, 3(2), 20-30. 

Reysen, S., Katzarska-Miller, I., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). Examination of anime content and associations between anime consumption, genre preferences, and ambivalent sexism. The Phoenix Papers, 3(1), 285-303.

Reysen, S., Katzarska-Miller, I., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., Gerbasi, K. C., Brooks, T. R., & Tague, A. (2020). Anime and global citizenship identification. The Phoenix Papers, 4(2), 48-61.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Chadborn, D., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. (2021). Transported to another world: The psychology of anime fans. International Anime Research Project. 

Reysen, S. Plante, C. N., Chadborn, D., Roberts, S. E., Gerbasi, K. C., Miller, J., Gamboa, A., & Ray, A. (2018). A brief report on the prevalence of self-reported mood disorders, anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorder in anime, brony, and furry fandoms. The Phoenix Papers, 3(2), 64-75.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2015). A social identity perspective of personality differences between fan and non-fan identities. World Journal of Social Science Research, 2, 91-103. 

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2015). Ingroup bias and ingroup projection in the furry fandom. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7, 49-58.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2015). Social identity perspective of the furry fandom. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us: Essays on furries by the most prominent members of the fandom (pp. 127-151). Nashville, TN: Thurston Howl Publications.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2016). Optimal distinctiveness and identification with the furry fandom. Current Psychology, 35(4), 638-642.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). Accuracy of perceived prejudice toward one’s fan group. The Phoenix Papers, 3(1), 122-129.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). Anime fans to the rescue: Evidence of Daniel Wann’s team identification-social psychological health model. The Phoenix Papers, 3(1), 237-247.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). Anime genre preferences and paranormal beliefs. The Phoenix Papers, 3(1), 327-343.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). “It just clicked”: Discovering furry identity and motivations to participate in the fandom. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 2: More essays on furries by furries (pp. 111-128). Lansing, MI: Thurston Howl Publications. [Part of edited book that won a 2017 Leo Award in Nonfiction category]

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). Optimal distinctiveness needs as predictors of identification in the anime fandom. The Phoenix Papers, 3(1), 25-32.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2018). A brief report on differences in big five personality dimensions between anime cosplayers and non-cosplayers. The Phoenix Papers, 3(2), 46-53. 

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2018). “Coming out” as an anime fan: Cosplayers in the anime fandom, fan disclosure, and well-being. The Phoenix Papers. 4(1), 1-9.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2018). Fan and non-fan recollection of faces in fandom-related art and costumes. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 18, 224-229. 

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2018). Motivations of cosplayers to participate in the anime fandom. The Phoenix Papers. 4, 1, 29-40.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2019). Initial validation and reliability of the single-item measure of immersion. Creative Industries Journal, 12, 272-283. 

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). Cosplayers’ and non-cosplayers’ involvement in fandom-based drama. The Phoenix Papers, 4(2), 28 36.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). My animal self: The importance of preserving fantasy themed identity uniqueness. Identity, 20(1), 1-8. 

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). Sex differences in parasocial connection to favorite anime characters: A multifactor approach. The Phoenix Papers, 4(2), 72-92.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2018). “Who I want to be”: Self-perception and cosplayers’ identification with their favorite characters. The Phoenix Papers, 3(2), 1-7. 

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2020). Psychology and fursonas in the furry fandom. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 3: Essays by furries about furries (pp. 86-104). Thurston Howl Publications.

Reysen, S., Plante, C., Roberts, S., Gerbasi, K., Mohebpour, I., & Gamboa, A. (2016). Pale and Geeky: Prevailing Stereotypes of Anime Fans. The Phoenix Papers, 2, 1, (78-103).

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., Gerbasi, K. C., Schroy, C., Gamboa, A.,Gamboa, J., & McCarter, T. (2017). Routes to fandom discovery and expression of fan identity in furry, anime, and fantasy sport fans. The Phoenix Papers, 3(1), 373-384.

Reysen, S., Plante, C., Roberts, S., Gerbasi, K., & Shaw, J. (2016). An Examination of Anime Fan Stereotypes. The Phoenix Papers, 2(2), (90-117).

Roberts, S. E., Chong, M.-M., Shea, S., Doyle, K., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2017). The highs, the lows, and post-con depression: A qualitative examination of furries’ return home following an anthropomorphic convention. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 2: More essays on furries by furries (pp. 129-141). Lansing, MI: Thurston Howl Publications. [Part of edited book that won a 2017 Leo Award in Nonfiction category]

Roberts, S., Davies-Kneis, C. B., Plante, C., Reysen, S., Fein, E., McHugh, R., & Gerbasi, K. (2020). Closet? What closet? A qualitative investigation of furries’ expression of sexual orientation in the fandom. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us 3: Essays by furries about furries (pp. 122-140). Thurston Howl Publications.

Roberts, S., Plante, C., Gerbasi, K., & Reysen, S. (2015). Clinical Interaction with Anthropomorphic Phenomenon: Notes for health professionals about interacting with clients who possess this unusual identity. Health and Social Work, 40, 2, e42-e50. 

Roberts, S., Plante, C., Gerbasi, K., & Reysen, S. (2015). The Anthrozoomorphic Identity: Furry Fandom Members’ Connections to Non-human Animals. Anthrozoos, 28, 4, 533-548. 

Roberts, S. E., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2015). Marginalization of anthropomorphic identities: Public perception, realities, and “tails” of being a furry researcher. In T. Howl (Ed.), Furries among us: Essays on furries by the most prominent members of the fandom (pp. 152-168). Nashville, TN: Thurston Howl Publications.

Roberts, S., Plante, C., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2016). Not all fantasies are created equal: Fantasy sport fans’ perceptions of Furry, Brony, and Anime Fans. The Phoenix Papers, 2, 1, (40-60). 

Schroy, C., Plante, C., Reysen, S., Roberts, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2016). Different Motivations as Predictors of Psychological Connection to Fan Interest and Fan groups in Anime, Furry, and Fantasy Sport Fandoms. The Phoenix Papers 2, 2, (148-167).

Shaw, J., Plante, C., Reysen, S., Roberts, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2016). Predictors of Fan Entitlement in Three Fandoms. The Phoenix Papers, 2, 2, (203-219). 


Refereed Conferences (Selected):


Roberts, S., Côté, J., Marshall, Z., Plante, C., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2017). FurScience Universal Recruitment Project (FurP): An Invitation for Collaboration. Paper Presentation submitted to the International Society for Research on Identity 24th Annual meeting held in Groningen, The Netherlands, May 18-21st, 2017.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (June, 2016). Accuracy of Perceived Prejudice Toward One’s Fan Group. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies Conference, Dallas, TX.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (June 2016). Anime Fans to the Rescue: Evidence of Daniel Wann’s Team Identification-Social Psychological Health Model. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies Conference, Dallas, TX.

Eckelberry, E., Reysen, S., Plante, C., & Roberts, S. (2016). Optimal Distinctiveness and Identification with the Furry Fandom. Poster Presented at the 59th annual Southwestern Psychological Association conference, Fort Worth, TX. April 2016.

Ray, A., Plante, C., Reysen, S. & Roberts, S. (2016). Anime Fans’ Psychological Needs as Predictors of Fanship and Fandom. Presented at the 59th annual Southwestern Psychological Association conference, Fort Worth, TX. April 2016.

Roberts, S., Plante, C., Reysen, S., Gerbasi, K., & Côté, J. (2015). Self-created and other-created fantasy identity: A comparison of Furries, Anime, and Fantasy Sport Fans. Presented at the 22nd Annual Society for Research on Identity Formation Conference: May 14-17, 2015, Bellingham, Washington, USA.

Roberts, S., Plante, C., Reysen, S., Gerbasi, K., & Côté, J. (2015). Stigmatized Identity: The Functions of the Furry Fandom for Identity Resolution. Presented at the 22nd Annual Society for Research on Identity Formation Conference: May 14-17, 2015, Bellingham, Washington, USA.

Schroy, C., Plante, C. N., Reysen, S., Roberts, S. E., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2015, June). Different motivations as predictors of psychological connection to fan interest and fan groups in anime, furry, and fantasy sport fandoms. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies Conference, Dallas, TX.

Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S. E., Gerbasi, K. C., & Shaw, J. (2015, June). An examination of anime fan stereotypes. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies Conference, Dallas, TX.

Schroy, C., Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S., & Gerbasi, K. C. (2015, April). It takes all kinds: A look into the patterns of fandom discovery and fanship expression in furries, anime fans, and fantasy sport fans. Paper presented at the annual Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association conference, New Orleans, LA.

Schroy, C., Snider, J. S., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2015, February). Predictors of fan entitlement. Poster presented at 16th annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.

Roberts, S., Plante, C., Reysen, S., Gerbasi, K., & Wallis, S. (2014). Not all fantasies are created equal: Fantasy sport fans’ perceptions of Furry, Brony, and Anime Fans. Paper presented at the Second Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Conference in Dallas, TX, on June 7th, 2014.

Reysen, S., Plante, C., Roberts, S., Gerbasi, K., Mohebpour, I., & Gamboa, A. (2014). Pale and Geeky: Prevailing Stereotypes of Anime Fans. Paper presented at the Second Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Conference in Dallas, TX, on June 7th, 2014.

Roberts, S., Plante, C., Gerbasi, K., & Reysen, S. (2013). The Furry Identity: Notes from the field about interacting with people who possess this stigmatized identity. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Identity Formation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 16-19.

Schroy, C., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2013). Explaining fan group similarities and differences. In S. Reysen (Chair), Social psychology of fanship and fandom. Paper presented at the 2nd annual Leo Con conference, Commerce, TX.

Schroy, C., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2013). Socio-structural intergroup characteristics, identity management, and self-esteem. Poster presented at 10th annual Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Pre-Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Snider, J., Plante, C. N., Roberts, S., Reysen, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2013). Explaining fan group similarities and differences. In S. Reysen (Chair), Social psychology of fanship and fandom. Paper presentation at the 2nd annual LEOCON conference, Commerce, TX.

Schroy, C., Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., & Roberts, S. (2013, April). Optimal distinctiveness of the furry fandom. Paper presented at 59th annual Southwestern Psychological Association conference, Fort Worth, TX.

Schroy, C., Reysen, S., Plante, C., Roberts, S., & Gerbasi, K. (2012). Motivations to participate in the furry fandom. Paper presented at the 10th annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, Galveston, TX, November 7-10.

Updated: April 29, 2017

Our Grants

Roberts, S., Gerbasi, K., Reysen, S., Côté, J., & Vint, S. (2013). Insight Development Grant SSHRC. From Furries to Sport Fans: Do conventional and unconventional forms of fantasy-based group activities differ in terms of their association with identity formation? Submitted February 2013. Request $74,995. Received $74,995. This application ranked number 1 in Canada.

Roberts, S. (2013). SSHRC Seed Grant. From Furries to Sport Fans: Do conventional and unconventional forms of fantasy-based group activities differ in terms of their association with identity formation? Requested $5,500. Received $5,500.

Roberts, S., Gerbasi, K., Reysen, S., Côté, J., & Vint, S. (2012). Insight Development Grant SSHRC. Title: Identity and Escapism: Beyond Pathology in the Furry Fandom. Submitted February 2012. Request $66,000. Received 4A funds $8,000.

Roberts, S., Gerbasi, K., & Reysen, S. (2014). Connection Grant SSHRC. Changing attitudes: Public outreach to reduce stigma for anthropomorphic communities informed by evidence-based

research. Total Grant: $32,573. Funds requested from SSHRC: $21,473. Deemed Fundable. No Money to fund at SSHRC.