5.4 Frequency of Porn Use

Given the prevalence of negative stereotypes about furries (e.g., association with sexual deviance, presumption that the fandom is a fetish), the issue of pornography is a controversial one in the fandom. We began by assessing the frequency with which furries view pornography. Furry men were significantly more likely to view furry-themed pornography (96.3%) than furry women (78.3%). Furry men and women both significantly underestimated these figures (84% and 70%, respectively)1.

We also assessed other aspects of pornography use, summarized in the table below (all differences between men and women were significantly different from one another).2

Items Assessing Other Aspects of Furry Pornography Use

Question Response

What percentage of the furry art that you view is pornographic?

Men: 50.9%         Women: 30.7%

What percentage of the furry art that you own is pornographic?

Men: 20.9%         Women: 8.7%

When you roleplay online, what percent of the time is it sexual?

Men: 34.0%         Women: 21.4%
In the last month, how often did you view pornography?

Men: 43.5 times  Women: 10.5 times


  1. Furry Fiesta 2013 Study
  2. Furry Fiesta 2013 Study


  1. gjyg15

    I believe that the usage of furry porn inside the fandom is not a particular problem but the degree to which you can find it. To this day you can find nsfw content on almost any furry-related art site.

    I’ve been hoping and trying to push the separation of pornographic art pieces from the ‘main fandom’ per se. Like making FurAffinity a clean site (which I would love to see) and other major furry-related sites clean and have (the site that starts with ‘e’ not sure if I’m allowed to say it) keep all the pornographic images like how it operates for things like anime and hentai where you do not see hentai everywhere you see anime. If this could be accomplished I would be greatly appreciative of the fandom and I’m sure that the fandom’s overall image would improve tenfold because I know porn is not the only reason to be a part of this. At least, it isn’t for me.

  2. F-35B Lightning II

    Rare gjyg W??? Btw what up gjyg, I haven’t seen you on imgflip since we argued about the moralities of Yiff.

    • Silly Wittle Fwurry

      Why did you argue about yiffing… just why?


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