As illustrated in the table below, more than half of the furry fandom works either part time or full time, while nearly half reports attending post-secondary school at least part-time. Approximately one third of furries are not currently employed (due, in part, to a lack of searching, disability, or factors such as being a homemaker, travelling, or taking a leave of absence). Approximately one in five furries are unemployed and in the process of looking for a job.1
Employment Status of Furries
Category (Choose all that apply) |
% of Furries |
Full-Time | 32.2 |
Part-Time | 23.9 |
Full-time Education | 34.8 |
Part-time Education | 11.2 |
Unemployed, Looking | 22.8 |
Unemployed, Not Looking | 6.9 |
Disability | 4.3 |
Retired | 1.1 |
Other (e.g., Homemaker) | 9.1 |
Furries were also asked to indicate their satisfaction with their current employment status. As you can see from the figure below, while there is tremendous variability on furries’ job satisfaction, furries do, on average, seem to enjoy their current employment.2
I was wondering about furries in the millitary, how many are there current, or prior enlistment and which field were they
Thanks for your question! We have on-going data collection on that. It is so far incomplete and thus unpublished, but we’ll update this section with your specific inquiry in mind as soon as that data becomes available.
I always hear a lot about how there’s a lot of furries in STEM, and it got me interested in seeing what careers are actually most common among furries, do you have any data on what fields of employment furries tend to have?
Yes. See above ^ and below replies 🙂
Are we ever going to get one on the percent of furries in the info tech and programming industry
Demographics will be updated with new data from the forth-coming book on or after its publication, late 2023/early 2024. Thanks 🙂
Just wondering about how furries are treated in the military? I would think it wouldnt be widley accepted so I assume there wouldnt be a lot in the military.
Thank you for your question. We don’t have a lot of data on self-reported furries in the military, or conversely, furries with military-theme fursona who may or may not also serve in the military. We’re limited to anecdotal evidence, interacting with Furries at conventions who share their experience.
As far as I recall, in maybe only a handful of interactions with furries who served in the military and/or law enforcement, I got the impression that they treated their military as their job, and their furry life as their hobby, and the identities were separate. I don’t recall if that separation was a conscious choice or not to keep one from the other. It maybe that it just doesn’t come up at work, as part of everyday conversation with fellow soldiers/officers. I don’t know, and can’t say for sure, and we don’t have data gathered specifically about this from which to draw some conclusions.
I think your assumptions may be correct, however, given how misunderstood the general population tends to be about Furries and the Fandom, and I would assume, too, that the military as an institution might be similarly biased toward that misunderstanding, but without more data and larger sample size, it’s hard to draw any conclusions. Thank you, again, for your question 🙂