Furries were asked to estimate the attitudes of male (blue bars) and female (orange bars) furries in the fandom toward furry-themed pornography (participants identifying as male and female did not significantly differ in their estimates, and so their combined estimates are presented together). The figure below shows that male furries were estimated to have a more positive attitude toward furry pornography than female furries, though, in general, both were predicted by participants to hold relatively positive views toward pornography.1

In the figure below, participants were then asked to indicate how comfortable they actually felt about pornography, revealing a very different trend emerges. Male furries (M =5.37) held a significantly more positive attitudes toward furry pornography than female furries (M = 4.26). What’s more, female furries were found to hold far more mixed feelings toward pornography than was estimated, with nearly half of females reporting mixed feelings, and nearly as many females opposing pornography as supporting it.2
To this point, the data have referred to attitudes toward furry-themed pornography. In the figure below, we assessed attitudes toward non-furry pornography. There were no gender differences between participants’ scores, so they were combined. The figure below suggests that more than a third of furries have a relatively negative attitude toward non-furry pornography, and only about a quarter of furries feel quite positive toward it. These data suggest that for many furries, if they do use pornography, it may be limited to furry pornography. Another question tested this, asking male and female furries to indicate the extent to which the pornography they viewed (if they viewed it at all) was limited exclusively to furry pornography. Male furries were far more likely to view exclusively or near-exclusively furry pornography than females were (17.1% vs. 2.2%.)3
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